The LoadData
event allows you to perform custom paging, sorting and filtering.
ID | Photo | First Namefilter_alt | Last Namefilter_alt | Job Titlefilter_alt | Titlefilter_alt | Birth Datefilter_alt | Hire Datefilter_alt | Addressfilter_alt | Cityfilter_alt | Regionfilter_alt | Postal Codefilter_alt | Countryfilter_alt | Home Phonefilter_alt | Extensionfilter_alt | Notesfilter_alt |
1. Set the Data and Count properties.
<RadzenDataGrid Count="@count" Data="@employees"
2. Handle the LoadData event and update the Data and Count backing fields (employees
and count
in this case).
void LoadData(LoadDataArgs args)
var query = dbContext.Employees.AsQueryable();
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(args.Filter))
query = query.Where(grid.ColumnsCollection);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(args.OrderBy))
query = query.OrderBy(args.OrderBy);
count = query.Count();
employees = query.Skip(args.Skip.Value).Take(args.Top.Value).ToList();
Whether you prefer a standalone environment or integration directly within Visual Studio, Radzen provides a powerful toolkit to increase development speed, reduce repetitive coding, and focus on building exceptional applications.
Radzen Blazor Studio is a software development environment that empowers developers to design, build and deploy Blazor applications without the traditional hurdles.
Radzen Blazor for Visual Studio extension streamlines Blazor development within the Visual Studio environment. The Blazor extension you need to boost productivity!
Radzen Blazor Components, © 2018-2025 Radzen.
Source Code licensed under