Radzen Blazor Components

NEW: Radzen Blazor for Visual Studio

The extension brings Radzen’s rich feature set and productivity tools directly into the familiar Visual Studio 2022 environment. Connect to data, design, code seamlessly, and work faster within Visual Studio. Learn More ↗


Use the <RadzenText> component to format text in your application.

Text Style link

Use the TextStyle property to apply a predefined text style.

Radzen Heading 1

Radzen Heading 2

Radzen Heading 3

Radzen Heading 4

Radzen Heading 5
Radzen Heading 6
Radzen Subtitle 1
Radzen Subtitle 2

Radzen Body 1 Radzen Blazor Components are open source and free for commercial use. You can install them from nuget or build your own copy from source.

Radzen Body 2 Radzen Blazor Components are open source and free for commercial use. You can install them from nuget or build your own copy from source.

Radzen Button
Radzen Caption
Radzen Overline

Text Style and Tag Name link

You can use TextStyle together with TagName to apply different styling while keeping the code semantically correct.

This is a paragraph styled as H3

Display headings link

Use display headings to emphasise a text or page title. Display headings are usually larger than traditional headings.

Radzen Display 1

Radzen Display 2

Radzen Display 3

Radzen Display 4

Radzen Display 5
Radzen Display 6

Text Align link

You can use TextAlign to align your text.

Radzen Blazor Components are open source and free for commercial use. You can install them from nuget or build your own copy from source.

Radzen Blazor Components are open source and free for commercial use. You can install them from nuget or build your own copy from source.

Radzen Blazor Components are open source and free for commercial use. You can install them from nuget or build your own copy from source.

Radzen Blazor Components are open source and free for commercial use. You can install them from nuget or build your own copy from source.

Radzen Blazor Components are open source and free for commercial use. You can install them from nuget or build your own copy from source.

Radzen Blazor Components are open source and free for commercial use. You can install them from nuget or build your own copy from source.

Text Functional Colors link

These are the theme's text color CSS variables. Each theme has its own text color values assigned. Change the theme to preview them. You can use CSS variables in styles e.g. style="color: var(--rz-text-secondary-color);"

--rz-text-color --rz-text-secondary-color --rz-text-tertiary-color --rz-text-disabled-color

Text Transform link

Use CSS classes to capitalize text. E.g. class="rz-text-uppercase".

This is capitalized
This is uppercase
This is lowercase

Text Wrap link

Use rz-text-wrap, rz-text-nowrap, and rz-text-truncate CSS classes to specify how the text content should wrap. E.g. class="rz-text-truncate".

This text wraps.
This text does not wrap.
This text is truncated.

Supercharge your Blazor development with Radzen

Whether you prefer a standalone environment or integration directly within Visual Studio, Radzen provides a powerful toolkit to increase development speed, reduce repetitive coding, and focus on building exceptional applications.


Radzen Blazor Studio

Radzen Blazor Studio is a software development environment that empowers developers to design, build and deploy Blazor applications without the traditional hurdles.

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Radzen Blazor for Visual Studio

Radzen Blazor for Visual Studio extension streamlines Blazor development within the Visual Studio environment. The Blazor extension you need to boost productivity!

Learn More
>Radzen Blazor Studio

Radzen Blazor Components, © 2018-2025 Radzen.
Source Code licensed under MIT

Demos Configuration

Premium Themes

  • Material 3
  • Material 3 Dark
  • Fluent
  • Fluent Dark

Free Themes

  • Material
  • Material Dark
  • Standard
  • Standard Dark
  • Default
  • Dark
  • Humanistic
  • Humanistic Dark
  • Software
  • Software Dark
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