Radzen Blazor Components

DataGrid OData

Use the LoadData event to get data from a REST service.

First Namefilter_alt
Last Namefilter_alt
Title Of Courtesyfilter_alt
Birth Datefilter_alt
Hire Datefilter_alt
Postal Codefilter_alt
Home Phonefilter_alt

Data-bind to a service

1. Set the Data and Count properties.

<RadzenDataGrid Count="@count" Data="@employees"

2. Handle the LoadData event and update the Data and Count backing fields (employees and count in this case).

async Task LoadData(LoadDataArgs args)
    var result = await service.GetEmployees(filter: args.Filter, top: args.Top, skip: args.Skip, orderby: args.OrderBy, count: true);
    employees = result.Value.AsODataEnumerable();
    count = result.Count;

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Radzen Blazor Components, © 2018-2024 Radzen.
Source Code licensed under MIT

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  • Material 3
  • Material 3 Dark
  • Fluent
  • Fluent Dark

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  • Material
  • Material Dark
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  • Standard Dark
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  • Humanistic
  • Humanistic Dark
  • Software
  • Software Dark
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