The Radzen Blazor components are distributed via the Radzen.Blazor nuget package.
You can add the Radzen.Blazor nuget package to your Blazor application in one of the following ways:
dotnet add package Radzen.Blazor
file and adding a package reference <PackageReference Include="Radzen.Blazor" Version="*" />
Open the _Imports.razor
file of your Blazor application and append the following:
@using Radzen
@using Radzen.Blazor
Open the App.razor
file of your application. Add this code within the <head>
<RadzenTheme Theme="material" @rendermode="InteractiveAuto" />
Open the App.razor
file of your application. Add this code after the last <script>
<script src="_content/Radzen.Blazor/Radzen.Blazor.js?v=@(typeof(Radzen.Colors).Assembly.GetName().Version)"></script>
Use any Radzen Blazor component by typing its tag name in a Blazor page:
<RadzenButton Click="@ButtonClicked" Text="Hi"></RadzenButton>
@code {
void ButtonClicked()
// Handle the Click event of RadzenButton
Open the MainLayout.razor
file and include:
<RadzenComponents @rendermode="InteractiveAuto" />
Open the Program.cs
file and include:
Hooray! You have successfuly added Radzen Blazor Components to your Blazor app. Now let's take a deeper look and explore more components and demos.
Radzen Blazor Studio is a software development environment that empowers developers to design, build and deploy Blazor applications without the traditional hurdles. Write less code and get more done.
Radzen Blazor Components, © 2018-2024 Radzen.
Source Code licensed under